Circular Economy

LOKEN will be Malaysia’s first net zero sustainable aviation fuel supplier.

As a proud Malaysian company, LOKEN prides itself in aligning its goals to game changers introduced in Malaysia’s 12th Plan. Malaysia’s 12th plan aims to implement initiatives that reforms the development trajectory of Malaysia towards a more prosperity, inclusiveness and sustainability. On the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, business operations and social interactions were greatly altered, bringing higher awareness to running sustainably.

LOKEN’s sustainable aviation fuel ties greatly to the Plan’s 3rd Theme, Advancing Sustainability. As stated in the Executive Summary:

“Theme 3 focuses on advancing green growth as well as enhancing energy sustainability and transforming the water sector. This shift will address the issues of climate change, unsustainable consumption and production practices, namely embracing the circular economy... ”

- Twelfth Malaysia Plan, Executive Summary,2021
LOKEN tangilizes the circular economy through the production of sustainable aviation fuel from waste biomass generated by the agricultural industry.
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